How do I use Trello to welcome a new one?

Francois D
François DesroziersDec 8, 2016
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The arrival of an employee is a key moment to ensure their successful integration into the team and to properly manage their personal motivation. As in human relations, you have to know how to seize your chance to make a good impression from the first exchanges.
It is essential to facilitate the arrival of a new one so that he quickly soaks up the culture and the mode of operation of his startup. To miss this moment after putting so much effort into recruiting is just a waste ...

Our special breakfast for newbies

With us, a new one is welcomed by the founders and is entitled to a breakfast organized with the whole team. This first meeting allows you to break the ice and for everyone to explain what they are doing here and who they are more generally.

Once alone, they can consult our Welcome Board on Trello. This table will allow him to take his marks by discovering both the values ​​of the box and the operating rules of the offices. Much of what appears in it has been explained orally, but we have found that it needs to be written down and shared so that nothing is forgotten and referred to from time to time.

Our Welcome Board

Our magnificent Welcome Board!

Our magnificent Welcome Board!

This Welcome Board is organized as follows:

  • Our values: it is essential that any newcomer knows our values, the vision that we have built together and that he understands them in order to be in line with our objectives and our mode of operation,

  • Our organization: we list our main work tools (Google Drive, Trello, Slack), identify the managers (HR, sales, etc.) and the major recurring highlights of our activity (the planning point, the quarterly point, deployments) ,

  • Our operation: we specify the hours and the place of work, the way in which the collaborative management of our premises works. It is thanks to this card that we define who will have the most strategic position in the company: the cactus manager.

  • Our section on leaves and benefits: we explain the rules to follow for taking leaves and the benefits that are linked to the positions we offer,

  • A diverse list: we present the activities we do during breaks (video games, ping pong, petanque) and outside of work (football, climbing, swimming) but also the power of power naps and the way we celebrate the online from our clients' sites ...

After breakfast, it's time to start working!

After breakfast, it's time to start working!

Finally, there is a map of this Welcome Board which will list all the tasks that a newcomer must accomplish on their first day. In addition to configuring his new work tools (Slack, Trello, Google Drive, Tumblr, etc.), we are going to invite him to follow certain trainings, to discover our premises and above all, to play ping-pong with us or at Smash Bross.

Our training board for new developers

And here is its little brother, the Trello board for training new developers!

And here is its little brother, the Trello board for training new developers!

Après le déjeuner, nous le jetons dans le grand bain en lui donnant un mois pour monter de bout en bout sa plateforme de crowdfunding en suivant des exercices spécifiques et respectant notre méthodologie. Nous faisons des points réguliers avec lui durant ce premier mois de formation sans pour autant lui donner toutes les réponses. Notre but est de le pousser à être le plus autonome possible.

Alors certes, professionnellement, les premiers jours sont un peu frustrants parce qu’ils doivent apprendre à trouver seuls les solutions, mais ils s’habituent vite à cette mentalité et sont très fiers de réussir à monter sans l’aide de personne leur propre plateforme.



Collect feedback and get results on our method

We have taken some time to set up this process, and are always taking feedback from our team to improve or add certain points. Following suggestions, we even decided to add the following to our Welcome Board:

  • A Who's Who section where everyone introduces themselves and puts a little photo. A newcomer could thus get to know everyone upon arrival and add a short description and a photo of him upon arrival to complete the list.

  • A card with funny anecdotes about the history and life of the club.

To convince you that our recipe works, I can tell you that we welcome newcomers so well that Capsens appears, in the 2016 Happy at Work ranking of Les Echos, in 4th position of French startups with less than 25 employees where it is good to to work.

Trello is very good for new employees!

Using Trello to welcome a new one allows you to:

  • familiarize them with a tool that they will use on a daily basis,

  • not to forget any info or important step to tell him when he arrives,

  • no have a personalized follow-up on the training he must follow.

Francois D
François DesroziersDec 8, 2016
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